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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145057466681.jpg - ( 519.33 KB , 707x1000 , 1366013871509.jpg [iqdb] )
1196 No. 1196 ID: 317625a8
We all have them. The witches are beautiful, and undoubtedly lewd thoughts wiggle their way into your mind from time to time.

This is a thread for sharing them, no longer how long or short. Even short thoughts. Share everything that comes to mind. Illustrations welcome. Maybe spoiler tag if it's too extreme.

So, anon, what do you want to do with the witches? What do you want the witches to do to you?
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>> No. 1789 ID: e6cb0388
Fair enough. Would you tease her about it first or go straight at it?
>> No. 1790 ID: 58faad6a
I'd tease her about it first. Wave it in her face, tease talk her, stick my fingers in, which ever feels right.
>> No. 1791 ID: f1f78db1
File 147171512386.jpg - ( 175.25 KB , 650x960 , 2dea07717870edf505ed02df82019254.jpg [iqdb] )
Those are all very hot!

For me, some sort of power fantasy would be nice to play, like officer and rookie. The role would depend what you'd rather like.
Be at her mercy or she at yours. I think the later would be very sexy with a senior witch like Minna.

Also, the very idea of a witch wanting you to cum inside her is very lewd. I imagine there are some sort of contraceptions, magic or not, but the though she'd risk getting impregnated just to feel her womb getting flooded with your juice is very hot.
>> No. 1792 ID: 58faad6a
That actually sounds very hot. Having her want you so badly.
>> No. 1793 ID: ba87b387
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I doubt any other men on the base would be the type to run and tell on us, so it would probably end up with us both going to town on her. I don't think Erica would really have any objections, she'd probably see it as a challenge to overcome. I'm not usually into group sex (although I do like the idea of a few of the witches having their way with me), but the thought of us spit roasting Erica in a closet is pretty hot.

The idea of that guy walking in on us being you specifically got me thinking, and this is a question to the thread: what would your reaction be if somebody, wether it be a witch or an anon, walked in on you and your favourite witch going at it?

Impregnation has always been one of my biggest fetishes, along with happy, romantic sex, and I usually imagine myself being in a relationship with them.

Off-topic, but this thread has really made me want to start writefagging. I've never done it before but I feel I'd be good at it, albeit very slow.
>> No. 1794 ID: 4f8c32d7
It really depends, I'd probably say Shirley and I were just play fighting or some half assed excuse. I really wouldn't know what to do.

Ah yes, sex with love is always better.
>> No. 1795 ID: f1f78db1
Relationships and being faithful are a sensitive topic for me.

I'm in love with Minna, but as I have said before, it would be incredibly hard to resist the charm of all the other witches. I admire all those who dedicate their love to their witch waifu alone.

As for writing, go for it if you feel like it!
>> No. 1796 ID: e6cb0388
You never know about people though, but I'm glad you chose right.~ Indeed it'd be the hottest thing ever, mouth for me!
Hmm, that question is really situation specific. If I'm with my witchfu and it'd be an anon, I'd make him forget everything MIB-style. If it was another witch, any one of them really. I'd hope they'd join in, as long witchfu is okay with it as well.

About writefagging, I've done some bits of it, mainly in the form of.. erp. Still unsure whether I should post a cute interaction evening between Miyafuji and a character called Imanotsurugi here. Wasn't even lewd stuff really, but heartwarming evening.
Nowadays I haven't written a lot since no drive due to depression, but if you have drive and feel like it, just get to it. Don't be afraid of being original with the writing as well to your liking, make it fun. Nothing wrong with being slow either.
>> No. 1797 ID: 58faad6a
It's actually pretty easy. You can still jack it to some other characters since its not actual sex. As long as you have your witch waifu as your top priority.
>> No. 1798 ID: f1f78db1
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Jacking it to others is one thing, but what about if you actually live on the base?

If it would mean a lot to Minna, I'd of course stay faithful.
>> No. 1799 ID: 58faad6a
Well of course if we were in a real relationship I'd stay faithful. That's common sense. I wouldn't even jack it to other girls, Shirley would be the only one I'd get my rocks off too.
>> No. 1800 ID: ba87b387
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If you actually lived on the base and were in a relationship with one of the witches, you'd never need to jack off again.

Especially in May.

I'm the other Shirleyfag from earlier in the thread, and >>1771 this guy, in case my ID changes again.

Kinda awkward with two of us sharing the same witchfu... something something alternate universes, we're all friends here. Sanya is a close second anyway, if we really have to choose.
>> No. 1801 ID: 58faad6a
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I always looked at it as a multiverse type of way. Sort of like alternate realities. There's no point fighting if we're not actually going to get that chance IRL. I like it better when we're all getting along because we have good taste. I'm friends with a few Shirleyfags like myself. Thankfully none of us have to fight for her, because I'm actually kinda cruel when I get competitive over love. Anyways, welcome back Shirleyfag #2, just curious. What country are you from? I'm from Liberion.
>> No. 1802 ID: ba87b387
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Britannia. What can I say, I can't resist those big American titties.
>> No. 1803 ID: 58faad6a
Amazing tastes across the pond. Yep, she's a very sexy girl.
>> No. 1804 ID: 58faad6a
How's you fantasies about her go?
England, Scotland,...?
>> No. 1805 ID: ba87b387
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England. Most of my fantasies have been posted in the thread, but I sometimes think of new ones. It usually happens when I see a new piece of art and I just let my imagination run wild. Lately I've been into light bondage: I'd love to have Shirley handcuff my hands and legs to the bedposts and just go to town on me, not stopping until she was completely satisfied.

Like you, I imagine us in a relationship because I'm a sucker for romance. The way I see it, I don't just fap to Shirley. It's strange but it always feels so much better with her. I've long given up on 3D and even plain old hentai, I basically have a mental harem of characters from different shows now. But... whenever I jack it to anyone but her, it just feels empty somehow.

Damn, that last part reads like something right outta /r9k/
>> No. 1806 ID: 58faad6a
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With light bondage it's the other way around for me, like posted in this thread.

I see you've reached that stage. Welcome to phase 2 of it. I'm the same, cumming doesn't feel as great if it's not to her. Like you, I'm not even big on 3d porn now. Idk why, maybe because it just feels so empty. Sometimes once I'm coming to a different girl I think of Shirley. After I did my business(I pretend my masturbation to her is sex) I cuddle with my Shirley daki, sort of like how sex releases those bonding chemicals. Don't worry,I think R9k is worse from threads I've seen on there. I don't even watch anime that much but I'm rewatching SW to get that spark back. Do you have a twitter or something? You sound like a cool guy.
>> No. 1807 ID: 4f8c32d7
Northern or Southern England?
>> No. 1808 ID: ba87b387
File 147214334238.jpg - ( 79.36 KB , 1000x750 , d08a4b226f2b990b1c19060a49d509c0.jpg [iqdb] )
Pretty much everything you just typed describes me, minus the daki. I really want one, but I'm not sure my parents would approve. I've got an entire bookcase full of anime figures but I think the daki would be a bit too far. I'm moving out soon, but I'll be living with a couple of my friends. I could probably get away with it because I've known them for so long, and we're pretty much going to be lifelong friends at this point. Like you said, it only ever feels great if I'm fapping to Shirley. That's when I get those 'roll your head back and enjoy the afterglow' orgasms.

Also, North West England. Pretty sure there's only one other Strike Witches fan up here, and he's one of the guys I'm moving in with. Which state do you live in?

I have a twitter, but I never post on it, I only use it to follow hentai artists that don't post their work on pixiv. I guess we're blogposting now.
>> No. 1809 ID: 5df70bcd
Nice. I live in Louisiana, like Southern Louisiana near the Texas Border and Gulf of Mexico. I have a twitter as well. Do you have anything else we can use to communicate?
>> No. 1810 ID: ba87b387
My email is [email protected]
Yeah I know hotmail is ancient, but that's the one I've been using for as long as I can remember. I have facebook, though I only use it to follow certain pages and talk to the few real-life friends I have left. I also have skype but my shitty laptop only has one audio jack, meaning I can either use my headset's speakers OR the mic.

Drop me an email any time, fellow Shirleyfag.
>> No. 1811 ID: 5df70bcd
No problem. Will do.
>> No. 1812 ID: 80bb85b3
I want to kiss Perrine while she straddles my lap, slowly rolling her hips with my cock inside of her.
>> No. 1813 ID: f1f78db1
Perrine definetly grew on me a lot since her OVA.

A fantasy of mine including her is to have sex with her in the common room.

I'd cut a hole in her pantyhose and move her panties aside and have her sit on my lap.

If we were known to have a good relationship,
it wouldn't appear all that strange to the other witches
while it would be incredibly hot for us two being watched.
>> No. 1814 ID: 5df70bcd
File 147568737732.jpg - ( 737.39 KB , 1237x1749 , 58168767_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
I want to drink this bunny's sweet sweet honey.
>> No. 1815 ID: 5df70bcd
File 147570805359.jpg - ( 525.31 KB , 1236x1753 , 59037987_p3.jpg [iqdb] )
Yes please
>> No. 1816 ID: e6cb0388
>Dat pic.
Oh my..
>> No. 1817 ID: 80bb85b3
That sounds really cute and like a lot of fun. Doing it under a skirt or dress like that and trying to keep it hidden. It's not too odd to just hold a girl in your lap.
>> No. 1818 ID: f1f78db1
You have these commissioned Shirleyfriend?
>> No. 1819 ID: 4bc32f64
File 147611672923.jpg - ( 562.62 KB , 1239x1733 , 59037987_p1.jpg [iqdb] )
Sure did. I can give you the name of the artist if you want.
>> No. 1820 ID: f1f78db1
I absolutely love his art style.

Yeah please, if you don't mind.
>> No. 1821 ID: aceb0af5

Here's his pixiv:http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=11401124

And here's his facebook page:https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=968844533204635&tsid=0.9430182697251439&source=typeahead
>> No. 1822 ID: f1f78db1
File 147626359181.jpg - ( 112.68 KB , 724x1024 , 71067ffecda14a430d9da7de5e4e81fd.jpg [iqdb] )
What do you think of the fantasy of Perrine lewding the orphans?

They must be lucky having a witch taking their virginity.
>> No. 1823 ID: 905566f0
Hear me out on this.
Oktoberfest for the Karlslanders, but with all you can drink sperm.
>> No. 1824 ID: b67d30ca
Fresh from the tap, I take it?

Seeing a witch like Minna doing that, oh boy.
>> No. 1825 ID: e6cb0388
Oh my, that would be an event to behold, not to mention one to attend!
>> No. 1830 ID: 71b03a49
File 147680907783.jpg - ( 261.10 KB , 768x1024 , 59372842_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
I want Hikari to use her excessive stamina to ride me until I'm exhausted.
>> No. 1831 ID: e6cb0388
How long would that take of you?
>> No. 1832 ID: e6cb0388
File 147697535995.jpg - ( 170.31 KB , 506x900 , Hikari eating rice - nanashino.jpg [iqdb] )
Guess we'll never know.
>> No. 1833 ID: 29fb9d69
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I really love Sanya, so a lot of my fantasies with her can be more lovey dovey than lewd.

I would love to be in a bed alone with her during the middle of the night, the both of us tightly embracing each other while I take her at a comfortable pace. She would have to be a little quiet so as not to wake up the other witches, so all I would hear would be her cute, little mewls of pleasure. I can imagine her leg-locking me when the neither of us could hold it in any longer and giving out one last stifled moan while we both cum. Of course, there would would be a lot of tired cuddling and head-rubbing once all of that is done.
>> No. 1834 ID: 80bb85b3
File 147830207947.jpg - ( 47.55 KB , 614x909 , CwbNUnbUsAIeOXa.jpg [iqdb] )
It makes me jealous. I wish to touch this bottom.
>> No. 1835 ID: 762df9e0
That's really sweet. Pretty much how I want things to go ultimately as well.

How'd you like to touch it?
>> No. 1836 ID: f1f78db1
File 147851615648.png - ( 59.98 KB , 771x332 , 23e44c4bcf409b44404a4651d3a1c13d.png [iqdb] )
So you finally had the courage to confess to the witch you love so much, and she said Yes!

How would you two go about your relationship? Would you try to keep it a secret to everyone, only meeting her late at night at a dark corner of the base?

Or would you two proudly show how happy you are with eachother? I'm not saying you have sex in public but kissing her in front of the others, holding hands, sharing rooms and so on.

Or as a third option, would you only tell a select few?
>> No. 1856 ID: 6594ba04
Going to try to lucid dream something. Will report. Wish me luck.
>> No. 1857 ID: f1f78db1
How did it go anon?
>> No. 1860 ID: 6594ba04
No luck yet. I will report when I actually achieve it.
>> No. 1862 ID: 021623df
File 148454274225.jpg - ( 59.67 KB , 520x700 , Erica sleeping - mobu.jpg [iqdb] )
Just a tip, lucid dreaming doesn't really work (in the way I think you're imagining it will). At best person who goes into lucid dreaming can keep it sustained for about 15 minutes before the mind wanders off in a dream or you wake up. I've had several lucid dreams over the years and it's only few minutes at a time I realize that I'm in a dream and I can do whatever I want before I lose control again or have woken up.
Though keeping dream diary is a good way to enhance your dreams vividness and of course to increase the amount of lucid moments you will get.
>> No. 1935 ID: 93c22f6f
Is that alright if I want Georgette to say "(insert your name here)-kun no ecchi.."?
>> No. 1936 ID: def4bf1f
I don't see why not.
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