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File 145720386142.jpg - ( 373.30 KB , 1500x1620 , 49954844_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
9610 No. 9610 ID: fe5d0822
Can wwe get a thread to Liberion's best witch and best girl?
Expand all images
>> No. 9612 ID: a767ab99
File 145722019125.jpg - ( 117.03 KB , 673x960 , Glamorous-shirley-strike-witches-34792191-673-960.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9613 ID: 2caddd5a
File 145722019451.png - ( 682.01 KB , 600x750 , tumblr_nyxe10r6Du1rw7vz2o1_1280.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9614 ID: 2caddd5a
File 145722024264.png - ( 25.79 KB , 320x320 , Stamp_Shirley 00.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 9624 ID: fe5d0822
File 145722467682.jpg - ( 188.08 KB , 1280x1024 , cf9089cc.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9630 ID: c2c41670
File 145726205234.jpg - ( 117.46 KB , 1280x720 , determined shirley.jpg [iqdb] )
I don't see why not?
Did Shirley join the wrestling federation or something now? Because I'd be down with that.
>> No. 9635 ID: fe5d0822
File 14572820792.png - ( 482.16 KB , 724x1024 , file-7.png [iqdb] )
Yeah she did. She's going to climb her way to the top.(it was really a typo :P)
>> No. 9636 ID: 9d634296
File 145728392871.png - ( 453.23 KB , 627x886 , 6c44ec594a64e0e149afdfe0f8994e21.png [iqdb] )
I love that image, it's a welcome difference to all the pictures of her just focused on her breasts.

This one really captures her happiness and lightheartedness.
>> No. 9637 ID: fe5d0822
File 145728440513.jpg - ( 129.73 KB , 500x649 , 9894a74580f1eb5255ae5a212a412ead.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 9638 ID: c2c41670
File 145728582772.jpg - ( 223.15 KB , 1500x1500 , Shirley and Kay.jpg [iqdb] )
I wish I could take Agahari for a dinner, she's the best.
>> No. 9639 ID: fe5d0822
File 145728908662.png - ( 222.93 KB , 846x1500 , file-1(1.png [iqdb] )
I never knew she was a girl. I usually see boys in the fandom so it's weird seeing a girl in it. You learn something new everyday.
>> No. 9642 ID: 68fc7740
File 145729354010.png - ( 383.17 KB , 800x700 , 1382634008741.png [iqdb] )

Like half the artists are girls.

No one is safe.
>> No. 9643 ID: fe5d0822
File 145729531273.jpg - ( 720.75 KB , 800x982 , 55558853_p4.jpg [iqdb] )
Which artists? I know this one might be a girl.
>> No. 9647 ID: 68fc7740
File 145729933441.jpg - ( 161.03 KB , 525x700 , 1427711449202.jpg [iqdb] )

I'm having trouble remembering now that you ask. We've had discussions about it in the 4chan threads before.

Besides agahari the one that always stuck with me because of the absurdity is that atahuta is supposedly female. I'm more convinced they're an agendered cave troll.
>> No. 9650 ID: fe5d0822
File 14573008533.jpg - ( 759.13 KB , 900x1200 , 371e6dbee3e3d1ca38bb30a5614f7d79.jpg [iqdb] )
Yeah that is weird.
I have a feeling Michairu might be female.
>> No. 9654 ID: 803b41fa
File 145731636928.png - ( 554.12 KB , 1000x1000 , shirleyeaster.png [iqdb] )
mich lists himself as a dude on his pixiv
only other female witch artist i can name off the top of my head is atahuta

which explains why all her dicks look awful
>> No. 9656 ID: fe5d0822
File 145732270375.jpg - ( 118.81 KB , 600x900 , 43892490.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh. Anyways nice Easter Shirley. There's not a lot of those.
>> No. 9776 ID: fe5d0822
File 145814610458.png - ( 1.11 MB , 1334x1200 , 55842992_p1.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 10363 ID: 6cfee893
File 146304194579.jpg - ( 3.66 MB , 4146x6072 , C1eNl0N.jpg [iqdb] )
This thread needs more love.
>> No. 10405 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 146364061723.gif - ( 509.58 KB , 427x450 , shirley enjoying her striker.gif [iqdb] )
I'll dump the shirley gifs I made I guess
>> No. 10406 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 146364065110.gif - ( 2.36 MB , 412x376 , shirley head rub.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10407 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 146364067719.gif - ( 758.42 KB , 780x450 , shirley laughing.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10408 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 146364070814.gif - ( 1.66 MB , 503x450 , shirley oogling.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10409 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 146364081962.gif - ( 3.16 MB , 548x450 , shirley scowl.gif [iqdb] )
>> No. 10410 ID: 77c5f7b6
File 14636408902.gif - ( 1.31 MB , 780x450 , shirley shocked.gif [iqdb] )
this is my last one that I have as of now. I have more lined up to make, I just haven't gotten around to making them. I'll probably dump them here and in the /c/ thread when I eventually get around to making them
>> No. 10413 ID: 6cfee893
File 146368492040.png - ( 549.59 KB , 653x889 , file-3.png [iqdb] )
Sounds good
>> No. 10416 ID: 1ed6d314
File 146369528536.jpg - ( 321.31 KB , 900x1025 , Yeager frilly.jpg [iqdb] )
H i p s
>> No. 10418 ID: 6cfee893
File 146370935047.png - ( 660.63 KB , 640x800 , file-5(1.png [iqdb] )
You got that right. I want to lay my head on her thighs.
>> No. 10439 ID: 6e90417b
File 146412467147.jpg - ( 219.43 KB , 640x800 , mb_card (6.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10441 ID: 1ed6d314
Hooboy, thanks for the card upload.
A bit sad I haven't been able to find proper uploads of the other western card witches.
>> No. 10442 ID: 6e90417b

What ones are you missing? I have a couple of them.
>> No. 10447 ID: 6cfee893
File 14641366314.jpg - ( 327.08 KB , 566x800 , 26925619.jpg [iqdb] )
Thanks. I've been looking for that one.
>> No. 10449 ID: 1ed6d314
Pretty much all of em except for Perrine, Shirley and Miyafuji. The Sanya card has quite bad artifacts in the game thread.
>> No. 10450 ID: 6e90417b

I'll upload what I have. I'm missing Erica and Eila though because they were event rewards for like, the top 100 players.
>> No. 10481 ID: 6cfee893
File 146429813766.jpg - ( 339.62 KB , 896x672 , 56720087_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 10687 ID: 6cfee893
File 146557710970.png - ( 818.58 KB , 640x800 , file(6.png [iqdb] )
If only there were girls like Shirley nowadays. Are there?
>> No. 10688 ID: 77c5f7b6
no 3dpd could ever be even close to as glorious
>> No. 10689 ID: 16eff2aa
Maybe, there's always the inevitable possibility
>> No. 10692 ID: 6cfee893
I sure as hell hope so.
>> No. 10709 ID: 16eff2aa
Shirley motorboating
>> No. 10814 ID: 6cfee893
File 146661661170.png - ( 561.24 KB , 653x889 , d0ce76bc-4462-4b8b-9baa-0a8fd645de28.png [iqdb] )
It's fine if I use a name? I am a local afterall.
>> No. 10871 ID: 6cfee893
File 146704458070.png - ( 811.72 KB , 640x800 , 6ecfc79ebd138293885c13bf4477edf7b95e67a3_s1_n1.png [iqdb] )
New card
>> No. 11082 ID: 1ed6d314
File 146910762476.jpg - ( 135.67 KB , 640x800 , Card Charlotte familiar.jpg [iqdb] )
And pants.
>> No. 11084 ID: 6cfee893
File 14691081433.jpg - ( 206.69 KB , 429x607 , c75298a7f57a1ad4e7bccb1cae2d87c9.jpg [iqdb] )
I love rabbits.
>> No. 11087 ID: 6cfee893
File 146911301167.jpg - ( 0.96 MB , 2140x3048 , file-4.jpg [iqdb] )
A scan
>> No. 11090 ID: 11f3bfa1
mich used to be so good
>> No. 11092 ID: 6cfee893
What ever happened to him? He barely draws the witches anymore.
>> No. 11093 ID: 1ed6d314
File 146913570391.jpg - ( 0.98 MB , 1135x1440 , Shirley cheerleader - michairu.jpg [iqdb] )
He's not good anymore? Looks to me his skills have slightly improved if anything.

Just how behind the times are you? He drew Vividreds for the longest time, at first overlapping together with witches before solely and then he found Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru while ago and now draws them.
>> No. 11094 ID: 6cfee893
File 146913858729.jpg - ( 759.13 KB , 900x1200 , 371e6dbee3e3d1ca38bb30a5614f7d79.jpg [iqdb] )
Nah I'm in the times, I noticed a while back he started drawing different characters, I was just wondering if he'd show the witches some love again.
>> No. 11095 ID: dd274d89
His booty art went from got damn to super meh tier.
Prime mich was when he drew with
>> No. 11096 ID: 4ccce054
File 146915465910.jpg - ( 603.51 KB , 977x1250 , c119f1f91f38b78c0da7ee3dfd39d1b0.jpg [iqdb] )
Like this
>> No. 11151 ID: 6cfee893
File 146991855235.jpg - ( 1.20 MB , 1275x1753 , file-3(1.jpg [iqdb] )
I'm probably going to be the only guy posting in this thread.

Saloon girl Shirley
>> No. 11155 ID: 9d634296
File 146995620012.jpg - ( 439.22 KB , 600x850 , db75c4d8d4633940862d35dafe0b297f.jpg [iqdb] )
Very sexy, makes me want to invite her to a drink.
>> No. 11158 ID: 33714cec
File 146999016346.png - ( 319.02 KB , 600x900 , B9p30PKCMAA3kzA_png large.png [iqdb] )
I prefer her in a bunny girl outfit, but she's rather enticing dressed as a cat maid.
>> No. 11160 ID: 6cfee893
File 147000516768.jpg - ( 162.83 KB , 1237x1749 , Spoiler Picture.jpg [iqdb] )
She looks great in almost anything. This is what happens if you leave her alone for too long.
>> No. 11161 ID: 33714cec
File 14700258237.jpg - ( 65.43 KB , 600x848 , CQUDB7tU8AAJtIM.jpg [iqdb] )
Are you the guy with the friend who draws these for him?
>> No. 11162 ID: a50c7312
File 147003500429.png - ( 370.01 KB , 600x1100 , wUyt2.png [iqdb] )
hills and valleys
>> No. 11169 ID: 6cfee893
File 147007113295.jpg - ( 93.13 KB , 500x625 , tumblr_mvc75cQqKB1rrddo2o1_500.jpg [iqdb] )
That's me.
>> No. 11192 ID: 27b2452e
File 147031909243.jpg - ( 189.44 KB , 1024x1024 , CoxT6zwUAAAxz2B_jpg orig.jpg [iqdb] )
I have brought a Shirley.
>> No. 11196 ID: e1ac9178
File 147035539313.jpg - ( 61.94 KB , 450x600 , IMG_20160802_181632.jpg [iqdb] )
Thank you. We need lots of Shirley.
>> No. 11211 ID: 6cfee893
File 14706001718.jpg - ( 82.37 KB , 640x960 , 13892252_10206878060296555_2496390697591903829_n.jpg [iqdb] )
A nice Shirley cosplay
>> No. 11212 ID: 16eff2aa
Oh baby ^^
>> No. 11225 ID: fe5a194e
File 147077665599.png - ( 600.07 KB , 608x405 , 00745.png [iqdb] )
new imaginary witches page preview
>> No. 11226 ID: 6cfee893
File 147078186764.jpg - ( 211.09 KB , 420x595 , 58350668_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
I'm hyped. What's Imaginary Witches about?
>> No. 11227 ID: fe5a194e
it mostly seems like it's humi revisiting old art/concepts
>> No. 11228 ID: 09df2635
So it's concept art for her right?
>> No. 11229 ID: fe5a194e
judging by her tig ol bitties i think he might be revisiting the 1947 witches thing but can't tell until it comes out
>> No. 11231 ID: 4ccce054
If so I can pretty much see where she's headed. She'll become a test pilot judging by the jumpsuit.
>> No. 11232 ID: cce1db96
File 14708124501.jpg - ( 504.76 KB , 1920x1080 , 1470782309832.jpg [iqdb] )
any clues to what the first page says?
>> No. 11233 ID: 1ed6d314
>Those XP-79 striker units.
Oh mai gaad, that's radical. That full body suit's pretty nice design for Shirley.
But now I'm curious why Trude and Aurora of all witches are featured as well?
>> No. 11306 ID: 4756a538
File 147157172245.jpg - ( 93.14 KB , 1200x1200 , FB_IMG_1471571634018.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 11307 ID: f9b58809
>> No. 11436 ID: fe5d0822
File 147395208676.jpg - ( 263.15 KB , 640x800 , 011_20160915190925899.jpg [iqdb] )
Yo ho! Haul together!
Hoist the panties high!
>> No. 11739 ID: e55e15f6
File 147715110326.png - ( 365.42 KB , 493x477 , shirleymom.png [iqdb] )
I made this. kinda
>> No. 11740 ID: 1ed6d314
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