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File 13117864883.jpg - ( 74.46KB , 400x644 , 1311785029709.jpg [iqdb] )
406 No. 406 ID: c496cdd1

1122 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 12384 ID: 545efc5f
File 148916966330.jpg - ( 123.09 KB , 317x700 , Georgette babydoll - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )


Oh my. Babydoll Georgette is cute incarnate.
>> No. 12432 ID: d19c0b4c
File 149029343052.jpg - ( 125.90 KB , 328x500 , Nipa happy sirokuma sweater - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )

ダサセーターに満面の笑みの二パchang http://www.ne.jp/asahi/humikane/e-wacs/tw/aad.jpg

Niiiiiiiiipa! Happy polar bear sweater wearing Nipa induces immediate diabeetus and failing of the heart.
>> No. 12433 ID: bf170040
A happy Nipa truly is one of life's greatest treasures.
>> No. 12704 ID: a0f6ed33
File 149875382663.jpg - ( 252.88 KB , 250x751 , 503s.jpg [iqdb] )
503rd commander Safonov.
>> No. 12705 ID: 7dc41732
I really like her outfit, especially those boots.
>> No. 12775 ID: 69d5df98
File 150123771257.jpg - ( 345.44 KB , 500x654 , nipafes.jpg [iqdb] )
Nipa's Tail
>> No. 12776 ID: 69d5df98
File 150123776437.jpg - ( 300.00 KB , 450x811 , Pokryshkin Idol.jpg [iqdb] )
Idol Pokryshkin
>> No. 12779 ID: ffc8a06d
And what a fine tail it is.
>> No. 12796 ID: 4e77599d
File 150324517718.jpg - ( 116.62 KB , 600x500 , Krupinski handsome _feat Edytha - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )

演者と客席の皆さんと一部スタッフにも楽しんでいただけたようで何よりです。 くっかおは「くっ、顔はいい

What a hansamu Krupi, truly the best womanizer ever.
>> No. 12798 ID: 565895a7
File 150350795262.jpg - ( 274.19 KB , 300x646 , Rall dress - fumikane.jpg [iqdb] )

隊長 アイドルってキャラでもないので、ドレスタイプのステージ衣装って趣で

Dat everything, Rall is a goddess-like beauty.
>> No. 12799 ID: a77006ae
So far we have:

1. Lewd Hospitality Witches.(although Humikane has yet to share Sadako)
2. Idol Hikari, Nipa, & Sasha.
3. Elegant Gundula.
>> No. 12889 ID: 76f4fa1a
"Squadron Leader. Because she's not an idol-type character, a dress type stage costume"
>> No. 13139 ID: 76f4fa1a
File 150643777668.jpg - ( 270.74 KB , 350x721 , minros.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13140 ID: 2dfbe8ac

she's too cute
>> No. 13143 ID: 5d698606
I'd like to see Paula singing Anzu no Uta..
>> No. 13155 ID: 2ab12f3e
File 150766917313.jpg - ( 444.88 KB , 600x541 , Idol Krupinski and Paula.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13161 ID: 2ab12f3e
File 150809650939.jpg - ( 318.59 KB , 600x744 , Taka Idol.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 13164 ID: 103110e5
File 150829948853.png - ( 302.46 KB , 600x744 , hikataka.png [iqdb] )
Now we have both idol sisters
>> No. 13166 ID: 4237ca12
I'd be more than okay with idol witches. Strutting their stuff on stage trying to get people to enlist or buy war bonds, or maybe doing shows for the ground troops to boost morale.
On another note, it's always heartening to see new art from Humikane.
>> No. 13167 ID: ffc8a06d
>war bonds
It's a war against aliens, with the survival of the planet at stake. If money is a limiting factor in any way, the war is already lost.
>> No. 13170 ID: efacd89e
You're wrong. It has never been global total war.
>> No. 13171 ID: ffc8a06d
So Neuroi won't wipe out all life on Earth if left to do their thing?
>> No. 13172 ID: efacd89e
You're missing the point. Most nations in SW universe are not engaged in total war against the neuroi, meaning not all of their civilian resources are being diverted for war purposes. War bonds make perfect sense.
>> No. 13174 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 150903642388.jpg - ( 305.76 KB , 600x707 , kan.jpg [iqdb] )
Nao-chang. Though it might seem a little too modern at first glance, her varsity jacket is modeled after a navy zip deck jacket and her shoes are modeled after USMC sneakers.
>> No. 13185 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 151019128097.jpg - ( 359.40 KB , 475x700 , mj.jpg [iqdb] )
Brave Witches idol-fication complete~
>> No. 13187 ID: 4237ca12
Holy shit, that Sadako sideboob.
Humikane hasn't done an idol version of Nipa yet, right? That means there should still be more to come.
>> No. 13188 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 151024779390.png - ( 1.58 MB , 1462x904 , 502Fesall.png [iqdb] )
Nipa, Hikari, Eila, and Sanya were the first idol Witches, they were used as promotional material for an event earlier this year. Humikane even drew Nipa's idol backside here >>12775.
Really, Krupinski >>13155 is the only one we don't have a full image of.
>> No. 13189 ID: 4237ca12
I'm ashamed for having missed those. They're all fantastic though.
>> No. 13209 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 151115550773.jpg - ( 338.60 KB , 394x600 , simo.jpg [iqdb] )
Jose creates a lot of body heat, but so does Shimohara. How should I put it… Jose gives the impression of a balmy spring, whereas Shimohara is a bit more humid. Anyway, I just wanted to draw an erotic picture…
>> No. 13210 ID: c69209d5
According from the Facebook, Humi was drawing Georgette in hentai pose, but which one..?
>> No. 13211 ID: 2e95ab2d
Facebook? What?
>> No. 13212 ID: 4bd77391
I mean a comment in SW's Facebook fanpage.
>> No. 13213 ID: 2e95ab2d
I wouldn't take anything said from there without any ounce of truth in it, unless source is provided, naturally.
>> No. 13214 ID: e92b8e95
Same here. And so far, Georgette's most lewd artwork is the blue babydoll one..(which is my favorite)
>> No. 13320 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 151235860369.jpg - ( 268.28 KB , 350x710 , r2.jpg [iqdb] )
Smiling Idol Rossman-chan (20 years old).
>> No. 13327 ID: 9f9000e2
File 151252320814.jpg - ( 97.68 KB , 500x733 , p3.jpg [iqdb] )
A challenger approaches.
>> No. 13329 ID: 17f9b9c0
"As long as Waltrud is happy, that’s good enough for me.”
She's a New Witch who will appear in the third Brave Witches Prequel LN. Judging from the emblem on her cap she's from Ostmark.
>> No. 13334 ID: 69929446
File 151269347285.jpg - ( 116.14 KB , 360x729 , p32.jpg [iqdb] )
Another new character
>> No. 13345 ID: ffecde78
File 151296002862.jpg - ( 136.69 KB , 372x670 , p33.jpg [iqdb] )
Here comes a Royal Thai Air Force(it still call Siam in this world though) witches same in Brave Witches Prequel.
I'm not familiar to RTAF's history, did they have some famous pilot? Or maybe she is original charater.
>> No. 13346 ID: 2c72df57
File 151296489532.jpg - ( 32.03 KB , 300x300 , Miyafuji Santa avatar - nagsaran.jpg [iqdb] )
Just linking Fumi's tweets to the posts that lacked them for future archival purposes since the tweets are important too and in case someone might translate or want to read them someday later. Hard to find through Twitter afterwards anything.







Sasha one;



>> No. 13357 ID: 69929446
File 151355010260.jpg - ( 387.33 KB , 500x754 , kr.jpg [iqdb] )
Finally, Idol Krupinski!
>> No. 13360 ID: cc5a68c6
It's so great seeing a bare legged sleeveless Krupi when it does happen.
>> No. 13466 ID: 74f5c708
File 151459519328.jpg - ( 274.84 KB , 1080x1440 , DSJF4MEVQAAcxvy.jpg [iqdb] )
man, will it be until Humi's next artbook to get a good image of Kakuma Ai's gift of Santa Hikari?
>> No. 13475 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 151504205693.jpg - ( 641.89 KB , 683x977 , 2018.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 14023 ID: db2796bc
I was actually curious if anyone has an inkling of what Lee Andrea Archer's familiar is? A cat maybe? And if a cat: which type of cat?

If I remember correctly Vesna Mikovič's familiar is a Persian.
>> No. 14370 ID: 17f9b9c0
File 155004613136.jpg - ( 140.63 KB , 365x800 , heidi.jpg [iqdb] )
A remake of her standing picture from 10 years ago.
>> No. 14403 ID: 189d5fe0

I'd take it the guy with Minna is Kurt Flachfeld?

Speaking of which, where is it mentioned his name is Kurt Flachfeld?


That's supposed to be Laura Toth.
>> No. 14404 ID: d9badc6a
I doubt that's Kurt.
Pretty sure he's supposed to be the same age as Minna, perhaps a bit older.
That's a good question though, I've never seen him mentioned anywhere.
It's been a while since I last watched the show, do they ever give away his name?
>> No. 15546 ID: e3f0c67e
File 163870968059.png - ( 225.75 KB , 700x589 , FDvllvxagAA40eW.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 15659 ID: 21d3c928
Humi's Fantia: https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/319092/
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