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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 14669029668.jpg - ( 78.40 KB , 1280x720 , 1439443389384.jpg [iqdb] )
10852 No. 10852 ID: 1453fde0 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I have a question, why are Japanese fans not so keen on talking to foreigner fans? I had a few nice interactions but the rest I've been ignored. I hardly see that from Taiwanese people. I make efforts to speak to them in their own language yet I still get mostly ignored. I seriously don't get it, they watch a show with people of many nations and love it, yet ignore that person even if that person is from the same nation as their favorite witch. I hope I'm not taking it the wrong way because it may just be a culture shock, but I perceive it as down right rude.
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>> No. 10860 ID: 1453fde0
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I've asked one a question in English but was ignored, probably wasn't good at English? He was a US military and Shirley fan so I don't think xenophobia was that part. I've asked another Shirley fan a question in English asking if we can message each other but he doesn't follow me back, probably because I'm not an artist. He did answer me back in English though. I asked if he had a Facebook and he told me he didn't. I shared a meme I made of Shirley to his account(pic related, it's the meme) but he posted a question mark back and I checked and it look like he deleted his tweet. I did compliment some of his work though and I did get some responses back if I asked a question. I told the first guy "I can't wait" when referring to his WIP drawing, but I think he probably took it literally because he responded with "please wait". I did talk with Kunasiri and he loves to draw Shirley, I show him one of my favorite drawings by him and he responded with a thanks. I try to sometimes write in Japanese but I usually keep it short since I'm not that good at it. I have had them visit my profile though and retweet what I retweeted. Just today I had hayabusa retweet my picture of my Strike Witches merchandise and it got some likes. I think they're just not that open like I'm used to.
>> No. 10863 ID: 50c8af7d
Its been the exact opposite for me, Japanese fans respond to me all the time...

You probably confused him, most Japanese do not know about western memes... lmao
>> No. 10864 ID: 1453fde0
Most likely because you're an artist. I see a lot of artists interacting with each other. I get responses most times fortunately.

I know, it's a shame. They're missing out on some damn good memes.

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10230 No. 10230 ID: 73aea35f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Sorry for the downtime everyone. We had a major issue with our old host and I was locked out of cpanel with no way of contacting support since the host is 99% dead. Thankfully I managed to save almost all of the sites files, and we're on a new and far better host.

Since we're on a new host, please be on the lookout and report anything that's broken. Unfortunately thread #10198 lost its images in the transfer so there's nothing I can do about it. Everything else seems fine at a glance though. Once again, sorry about the downtime. Hopefully this won't happen again.

And a special thanks to our dev who fixed a major problem that we were having on the new host!
25 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 10786 ID: e2e5aa26
>''Eila's body1.jpg''

Try removing the '.
>> No. 10788 ID: 7c54d918
>Guess I have to just change these when posting?
Yep, sorry for the trouble, but I will hopefully get around it someday.

>The translation thread image filename I've been trying to post is ''Eila's body1.jpg'' which gives 404. Don't know what's there the issue then.
Now this is odd. I do not see any code working against apostrophes. I tried out with a file called "Eila's apple.jpg", and I was able to reproduce the 404.
Sorry for the trouble again, but you will need to remove these special characters until I get to them.
>> No. 10790 ID: 237c5380
Yeah that worked, I gotcha this now in case I have these symbols around in filenames. Thanks for clarifying.

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10668 No. 10668 ID: dcff324e hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Caught in the act
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>> No. 10682 ID: bc8717e4
No. The OP would be in long term confusing enough for the not so frequent visitors.
>> No. 10683 ID: dcff324e
File 146552013414.gif - ( 2.36 MB , 412x376 , 146364065110.gif [iqdb] )
Looks like I made a name for myself around here. Can anyone think of a nickname?
>> No. 10710 ID: 764b43ca

adorable as it is, this is why i am hesitant to put out my body pillow

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10575 No. 10575 ID: 88598b51 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
That NSFW can be unpleasant sometimes, don't get me wrong but damn, there's so much unnecessary captions people add to the pictures. They're usually in poor English too. Don't know where they're coming from though, but it's always in bad English. It can be sometimes funny or sometimes annoying. Just something I've noticed.
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>> No. 10651 ID: 88598b51
Just found out its just one guy doing it.
>> No. 10652 ID: 8f941f3a
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It read like it was all coming out of the same mouth. lol
>> No. 10653 ID: 88598b51
I think it is lol. It's too similar.

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10236 No. 10236 ID: 9122a722 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
In honor of helma reuniting with us post OTP
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>> No. 10344 ID: e5ae6efa
File 146294312779.jpg - ( 468.42 KB , 830x1188 , dance of the night.jpg [iqdb] )
Not really my problem, but the problem lies in the proportions, that's about it.
Aye, there far worse than that for sure.
>> No. 10347 ID: a9c20b04
But did you have any problem with the fanart? Proportions? I found the artist and It is his first work.
Just don't be so rude to critic
>> No. 10384 ID: 35fc4ba1
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Hanna x Trude!

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9809 No. 9809 ID: bb07af50 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem lately, and I was thinking that its SRPG style would be absolutely perfect for a Strike Witches fangame.

- Support conversations for units that fight together, as well as increasing bonds and eventually the ability to S-rank (pair up romantically).
- Drama from permadeath (yeah, I play with permadeath in FE and think it would be cool to see a slightly darker SW).
- Easy to weave in the "random battles that punctuate the plot" needed in an SRPG.

What think you?
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>> No. 10315 ID: 7be1bb56

I was actually messing around with your mod about a week ago because I had nothing else to do. If I recall I had to update the code a bit to get it to work, and judging by the code of units from other - newer mods there are a lot more features in wesnoth now. I'm not too sure on the specifics though, as I've only played wesnoth like twice in the past 10 years.
>> No. 10325 ID: 230cb12a
Wesnoth is such a great game. I gotta credit it for leading me to FE.

I think the SW setting/campaign best suited to Wesnoth would be Witches of Africa, with all the tank witches.

I wonder: does the Wesnoth modding system allow for variables that carry from stage to stage? Something like a support system could be implemented that way, where your choices will influence the relationships of the characters.
>> No. 10332 ID: 39a2d09b
If the base game allows carrying on, which it did when I played it decade ago. Modding should be able to as well.

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10198 No. 10198 ID: f70d87fc hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Why is she so perfect?
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>> No. 10225 ID: db90221a
File 146157263920.png - ( 222.93 KB , 846x1500 , 145728908662.png [iqdb] )

I've thought about getting a dachshund some day, but I don't know what I would name it. "Erica" or "Hartmann" seem inappropriate, and "Bubi" would probably just sound ridiculous to everyone else. Gotta be German though.
>> No. 10227 ID: f2a799ae
File 146160858465.png - ( 1.44 MB , 1800x1000 , Shirley and Lucchi riding a mighty Mustang stallio.png [iqdb] )
You forgot the most obvious one which is her not being flat. You can't be close to her heart than with a flat chest. Well reasonable points, I guess. I can see 'Speed' being Shirley's favorite movie of all time, hoho.

Try Laufwurst.
>> No. 10228 ID: 0f836822

Ursula is a good name for a doxie

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10029 No. 10029 ID: 5213ea7d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Let's do EMT's request justice and try to get some discussion going on here.

So, fellow witchbros, how did you end up here?

As for myself, it all started with a figure of Erica I found in a comic and anime store.
My interests were always rather militaristic and if you mix that with teenage horniness, you'll understand why I had to get her. That was a few years ago and it made me watch all of SW in a one month span.
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>> No. 10122 ID: 849bce64
File 146071049256.png - ( 254.08 KB , 600x450 , 35376529_p1.png [iqdb] )
It's just one of those things where you come for the plane legs but stay for the love of your life.

Strike Witches is what got me heavily into anime. It's one of those things where you sound like a newfag for saying that but it's still been 8 years.
>> No. 10161 ID: 16a178c4
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I remember when it was airing I kept seeing people talk about it but I never bothered to watch it until the first season finshed. I've always had an interest in planes and WWII in general ever since I was a kid. I also started getting into mechamusume at the time cause I thought it was funny but I came to love it because it's cute and weapons are badass. What finally pushed me off the fence about watching it was the symbol of all things. Something about it seemed really caught my interest and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I finally broke down and watched it when my parents weren't home and absolutely fell in love with the series.
>> No. 10162 ID: 6ebdea49

I don't want to think about it but I've spent at least that.

I got into Strike Witches after trolls spammed it on /k/ and it piqued my interest.

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10085 No. 10085 ID: 2fa8d9a8 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
With Kadokawa purchasing 51% of shares in Yen Press do y'all feel that we're likely to see the witch light novels be released west of the pacific?
I certainly hope so, I wouldn't mind buying the lightnovels again.
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>> No. 10103 ID: 2fa8d9a8
Or western publishers like Yen Press
Who Kadokawa now owns a majority share of
With Kadokawa stating " the new joint venture aims to establish light novels as a new content genre by using Hachette's existing production and distribution infrastructure, with Kadokawa providing leadership."
>> No. 10110 ID: b3eb47ce
I would absolutely love that, though I doubt it would ever happen. Yen Press is putting out basically all the top-selling LNs, but the SW ones are both niche and not current.
>> No. 10111 ID: 42139e6d
The noble witches ln is ongoing. But yeah i see what you nean that we might not get the older ones

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9785 No. 9785 ID: c4bc0fc0 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
What's the best way to get translations off of pictures? I'm not very good at Japanese. Like where it's in sentences?
>> No. 9794 ID: 087ff1c6
File 145837672959.jpg - ( 117.12 KB , 800x748 , go my eagle.jpg [iqdb] )
Got no answers but, there's a translation thread over here already. >>8422
>> No. 9803 ID: 7a01664d
I mean where you can do it yourself. It takes a while on that thread and some things never get translated. :/

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