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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 13108835935.jpg - ( 18.23KB , 480x480 , Neuroi girl.jpg [iqdb] )
125 No. 125 ID: 83a610c5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Is it time for a Neuroi thread? Yes it is.
26 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 379 ID: 51f50e8f
File 131164842250.jpg - ( 373.24KB , 640x800 , 1278308311945.jpg [iqdb] )
Are Neuroified witches ok?
>> No. 1154 ID: 51f50e8f
File 131961413758.jpg - ( 425.08KB , 1600x984 , 22628687_p0.jpg [iqdb] )
It's about time
>> No. 1866 ID: 51f50e8f
File 132488024351.jpg - ( 127.04KB , 600x800 , 1736890.jpg [iqdb] )

File 13247070431.jpg - ( 380.47KB , 926x1319 , 78cfef4cfb7581ee56b8f687550762d0.jpg [iqdb] )
1845 No. 1845 ID: 1d86d8a9 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 1846 ID: 0b74837a
File 132470782227.jpg - ( 233.17KB , 388x567 , 1322699633442.jpg [iqdb] )
Yes, Happy Birthday Lucchini.
I forgot hers was on Christmas eve, well now i remember.
>> No. 1849 ID: 702c39c6
File 132476074715.jpg - ( 79.29KB , 960x540 , 1274377897459.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy birthday, hope the war doesn't ruin your childhood.

File 132470305586.jpg - ( 1.36MB , 2048x1360 , CIMG7000.jpg [iqdb] )
1836 No. 1836 ID: a663c84f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So I got the season 2 fanbook as a Secret Santa gift. First thing I did as the dedicated SW fan that I am? Confirmed Neuroi design influences. All were correct except one that we weren't really sure about, and the other three that weren't based on aircraft. So I would like some translations of these four if possible. I can take better pictures if needed.
6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1843 ID: a663c84f
File 13247032553.jpg - ( 1.48MB , 2048x1360 , CIMG7011.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1844 ID: a663c84f
File 132470331356.jpg - ( 1.46MB , 2048x1360 , CIMG7012.jpg [iqdb] )
And I guess if anybody wants anything else, I can take pictures of that too.
>> No. 1847 ID: d0692580
File 132471347851.jpg - ( 1.31MB , 1600x1088 , Vampire.jpg [iqdb] )
X-13 looks somewhat familiar.

File 132440303812.jpg - ( 160.56KB , 600x600 , SW1.jpg [iqdb] )
1808 No. 1808 ID: 58e25650 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 1809 ID: d721541d
Is this out now?

File 132436621539.jpg - ( 97.04KB , 454x800 , Nishiki.jpg [iqdb] )
1805 No. 1805 ID: f60c2977 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 1806 ID: aa55c14f
File 132436897138.jpg - ( 165.88KB , 1280x720 , [Underwater] Strike Witches 2 - 12 [720p][98CEAF13.jpg [iqdb] )
Happy birthday witch without a speaking role, but at least an appearance unlike 4 other members of the 504th.
>> No. 1807 ID: 4e62f725
File 132437423627.jpg - ( 273.49KB , 850x1145 , 14633580.jpg [iqdb] )
Stay awesome and keep having three birthdays a year!

File 132410422398.jpg - ( 246.37KB , 502x1598 , b58a8cb4529750547a3ae9f23d77f44d.jpg [iqdb] )
1793 No. 1793 ID: e465b2a4 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
So, Eila have foot fetish?
>> No. 1796 ID: 6ba3b223
>> No. 1798 ID: 39b7ac9f
Probably fanon.
>> No. 1804 ID: 6504232e
eila has a sanya fetish. she doesn't know its a nonya foot

File 131448460955.jpg - ( 80.13KB , 1280x720 , yuru-yuri-episode-2-good-imagination-of-yuri-01.jpg [iqdb] )
718 No. 718 ID: 7654c5ef hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This summer, Sanya Litvyak as: Chitose Ikeda
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1602 ID: 6f3b5c6b
If you have any more, please post them!
>> No. 1603 ID: 59302375
File 132269493197.jpg - ( 484.12KB , 1280x1440 , 132183255776.jpg [iqdb] )
From /ot/
>> No. 1803 ID: c3bb8fb8
File 132435982850.png - ( 543.09KB , 610x635 , 1324355508513.png [iqdb] )
Yoshika Miyafuji & Nagi Sanzenin in "Kill Me Baby" Off-off-off-Broadway commencing 2012

File 13239632214.jpg - ( 203.72KB , 996x1126 , Gertrude_profile.jpg [iqdb] )
1783 No. 1783 ID: 099dd81a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Who is your favorite witch?

Try to include a picture of them as I have.
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1792 ID: fb457db6
File 132400769317.jpg - ( 159.84KB , 1024x1560 , Trude_glows.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 1794 ID: cab5e033
File 132413562810.png - ( 32.54KB , 1200x1200 , Sexy Gals2.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 1795 ID: d717e3a5
truck driver probably mistook her for a little boy.

Erica desperately in need of more TnA

File 13237599229.png - ( 1.14MB , 4800x2700 , 67f2122755ce6874961bd8111772041e.png [iqdb] )
1729 No. 1729 ID: 60e1a041 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
DIC 13 =)
9 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1772 ID: b6bc6bf6
I like Marseille because I can relate to her. It is awesome to be so hateful
>> No. 1777 ID: f93ebb58
File 132389026810.jpg - ( 345.56KB , 1200x848 , 23636457.jpg [iqdb] )
Probably a bit of this too
>> No. 1780 ID: b6bc6bf6
trudy gonna get the haet raep secks on

File 132348043530.png - ( 628.29KB , 1000x1240 , Sanya and marines.png [iqdb] )
3033 No. 3033 ID: 9c0a99ca hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Can someone replace Sanya? With any Witch really, in fact, just go nuts with this one picture

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