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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 145833836490.jpg - ( 542.55 KB , 800x1200 , 55886421_p0_master1200.jpg [iqdb] )
9787 No. 9787 ID: fc16acc2 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
More of Yoshika 2.0
>> No. 9788 ID: fc16acc2
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8947 No. 8947 ID: 3a9e70ac hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
What have you picked up because of a shared seiyuu?

Ohashi (Eila) was in Artificial Academy 1.
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8989 ID: d810b7d0

F/SN & F/KL Prillya.
>> No. 9779 ID: a7f91989
File 145819255757.jpg - ( 256.93 KB , 884x1149 , Teh Rie.jpg [iqdb] )
Now this is just charming coming from Tanaka Rie.
Wonder if that's her own keychain Minna.

>The recording of the witches! Is now becomes the 10th anniversary and had told staff. Time flies really fast. I love films, coming events and cheer again thanks and cordial, I came to sing to.
>> No. 9780 ID: 14fffa08
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KoiChoco because of Mai Kadowaki.

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9644 No. 9644 ID: c31ec57f hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Do you guys give any nicknames to your favorite witches? Or just Witches in general?
My Girlfriend and I have given them quite a few over the years.

Yoshika: Shibby, Yoshibe, Master Chef Doggo

Lynette: Milquetoast, Tiddums, Bishope

Lucchini: Pizza-Pasta, Linguine

Trude: Gert, Trudey, Trud, T-Rude

Erica: Doxie

Shirley: Shoiley, Great Stinkin' Tots

Perrine: Perriney, Lobstermann,

Aleksandra: Polar Bear/Polar Bear-Chan,

Nipa/Nikka: Nips, Stoat, Various names involving breasts

Rall: Spinal Tap

Waltrud: Krups, Kruprinceki

Sadako: Sadistic Sadako,

Naoe: "Can I have it Naoe"

Angela Salas Larrazabal: Angela Salamander Lesbian

Luciana Mazzei: Luscious Luciana

Martina Crespi: Martini Crispy

Constantia Cantacuzino: Constantino Cappuccino

Carla Luksic: Fuksic

Amelie: Bunny-Butt, Down the Rabbit's Hole

Giuseppina Cenni: Cannoli Spagoli

Helma: Helmad/Helglad/Helsad

What do you guys call them?
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9653 ID: c31ec57f
File 145730622123.jpg - ( 33.87 KB , 321x281 , image.jpg [iqdb] )
Oh yeah, I forgot one of my nicknames for Perrine: Perfection. Although that nickname also covers Erica and Trude too.
>> No. 9657 ID: 261866b1
Heinrike Prinzessin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein: heini
>> No. 9756 ID: e4fed322
>a gif
why not swf?

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9697 No. 9697 ID: 7db4f43d hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So does 2chan or any other Japanese website have a Strike Witches board like this? I'm interested in seeing their opinions on the witches.
35 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9738 ID: a1ece8a8
Would you tell us were you're from?
>> No. 9743 ID: 134ab64f
If there was a way to just you I might, but I'd prefer not on the threads.
>> No. 9745 ID: a423ec98
Nope, I still live in Malaysia.
Specifically, Johor Bahru area

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8586 No. 8586 ID: 57ff9bb5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
In regards to Shirley, she's smart and resourceful,she's a great mechanic and has a vast knowledge of planes and cars. I'm confused why she gets stereotyped as a dumb airhead slut in the fanbase. Can someone explain?
28 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9628 ID: 2d78e8b3
>> No. 9629 ID: 3410c9ab
Criminal Breach of Trust.
But nah, the NSFW context you looking for can be found in urbandictionary.
>> No. 9631 ID: e07a1ef5
I'm slightly confused on what's going on.
Surely no one cares what fanfic communities or whatever make and think of witches. I think everyone here is better than that and realizes the characters and the verse on its approach.

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9151 No. 9151 ID: 983ed9ea hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Perrine's chest isn't small, it is just perfect.
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>> No. 9170 ID: 5beb9610
and even then only lyn's boobs
>> No. 9171 ID: 3e0459b9
File 145361310812.jpg - ( 1.37 MB , 2031x3072 , 01005567280.jpg [iqdb] )
Speaking of Perrine's tiny chest, this is on Mandarake. Haven't seen it before.
>> No. 9193 ID: 2a38283b
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9093 No. 9093 ID: 9709fb97 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Do non-virgin witches exist? I know it's a sensitive topic, but I'm curious
18 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9169 ID: e87c739e
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You think a witch came up with them? Pants seem like an odd reward.
>> No. 9183 ID: 88a2b14b
Seems really like an odd choice to be honest.

Imagine the award ceremonies... lewd.
>> No. 9185 ID: e87c739e

I'd like to imagine they stay in the display case throughout the ceremony.

They seem more like an added bonus with the Knight's Cross/Iron Cross, kind of like how you would sometimes get a ring or a minox camera.

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9037 No. 9037 ID: 09f82b67 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This is the Geru x Geru (ゲルxゲル) doujinshi.

Not often you get to see dumps, so here's one for the doujin I uploaded around Christmas to sad panda.
Here's a link for it while at it:

It'd be great if someone gave a general idea of the stuff going on in the dialogue, though it's not hard to imagine from the visual cues.
Pardon the crappy camera quality and lightning, I lack the tools for most things. But enjoy nonetheless.
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>> No. 9049 ID: 09f82b67
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>> No. 9050 ID: 09f82b67
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>> No. 9051 ID: 09f82b67
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And the end.

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8693 No. 8693 ID: d8998d65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
A few days late from the start but hopefully not too badly~

I wanted to do something Decemberish like this so I present Helma's 2015 Board Advent Calendar!
Basically, everyday a new door opens with a Christmassy witch picture to warm you with season's greetings.
I'll try to keep it around by the GMT midnight, so look forward to it.
68 posts and 45 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8978 ID: 33a61f43
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Happy new year.
>> No. 8981 ID: c0597595
Happy new year.
>> No. 9009 ID: 3e9d4afc
a belated Happy Holidays to everyone!

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8898 No. 8898 ID: 9ab01f11 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Sorry if this topic is inappropriate but I wanted to know how you guys deal with the soul-crushing fact that the witches will never be real?
13 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8926 ID: 52a8e5ed
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If I'm being completely honest, the community keeps me sane. Knowing that I am not alone with this special feeling helps.

I don't know what I'd do if helma died or all witchbros stopped posting in /a/. I'm not very materialistic, so I don't really have any character goods, even though I am a bit of a digital hoarder.
>> No. 8928 ID: 508744a9
But the witches are real.
>> No. 8935 ID: 4fb5d006
In our hearts

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