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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 132910413426.jpg - ( 385.57KB , 849x1200 , a9a5f47b0b58968ec1e6a730d5726f7b.jpg [iqdb] )
3029 No. 3029 ID: 9bf65f51 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Since this is the request page, I thought I'd ask here. I'm looking for a full color pic of the Patton Girls. I had one before, but for reasons uknown, it has gone missing and I can no longer locate it.
>> No. 3030 ID: 50553066
File 132910855217.png - ( 713.27KB , 1214x859 , strikeshermans.png [iqdb] )
Is this it?
>> No. 3031 ID: 9bf65f51

File 132203522275.jpg - ( 24.86KB , 240x320 , 20111112_2747046.jpg [iqdb] )
1488 No. 1488 ID: ef0688ff hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Has anyone got hold of latest Comptiq w/ the new Africa manga on it?
I heard it's sort of a recap and kinda disappointed.
Also Ruko's not there(so I heard) :(
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1677 ID: aab9c5ec
File 132337701585.jpg - ( 21.44KB , 449x393 , lol Strike Witches freude promotions.jpg [iqdb] )
Die Firma dankt.
>> No. 2295 ID: 4a760af7
File 132829996272.png - ( 851.27KB , 819x1251 , 1290906103039.png [iqdb] )
Random stuff that found it's way to PD: (preview chapter)(again) (1st chapter)(it's just the first pages of Witches of Afrika)
>> No. 2387 ID: 5d6c88a8
File 132906227150.jpg - ( 26.33KB , 170x170 , 1292355297215.jpg [iqdb] )
2387 (2nd chapter)(2nd part of Witches of Afrika)

File 13287642451.jpg - ( 292.71KB , 600x600 , 03fc1eee15c0da197041f3944768b034.jpg [iqdb] )
2340 No. 2340 ID: f07a9a8b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I cant believe that nobody knowed that Feb 8 was her birthday
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2368 ID: a1929628
Happy Birthda DE LA PENNE

(I guess that she is from Gallia) today is her birthday, in say it.
>> No. 2369 ID: 78230a4b

This, if you want people to know this is Birthdays General, it would help if the thread title wouldn't address a single Witch/Person specifically and a mod post that's not visible without opening the thread.
>> No. 2378 ID: ab0341c9

I agree.

I'll make a new thread specifically for birthdays and unsticky this.

File 132860940053.jpg - ( 143.00KB , 500x666 , 1326777682679.jpg [iqdb] )
2309 No. 2309 ID: 33b144ba hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
There is no Helma, only Minna.
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2319 ID: 1e9571fe

(This post isn't directed specifically at you, but at the temperament I've been seeing lately.)

We don't have enough people on the board right now to be lynching them the second a imagedump thread is made.

I love serious discussion as much as anyone else does, and a board where serious discussion is the main attraction is what I'm hoping and striving for.

But first we need an actual userbase. Even if it's just an imagedump thread, or a couple insignificant posts, it keeps the board MOVING and gives the illusion of an active board, which entices new members to actually post.

When someone stumbles upon this site, and sees that the last post is even so much as 1 day ago, on average they'll more or less go "Lol this place is dead why should I even bother posting?". This continues on and on person to person. A self-continuing cycle that could be broken if every one of them made a post instead of xing out the site and never coming back.

Occasionally one of those people do make a post. Maybe it's a one liner, an image, or a simple thread. That simple post makes this board seem that much faster, and makes it that much more appealing to any outsiders watching.

Attacking them in essence not only drives them away, it may also drive away potential posters who may see this entire community as a try-hard "assimilate or gtfo" secret club. Just because we migrated from 4chan doesn't mean we need to bring the irritability and hatred over too. This board was created to get away from all of that. A place where you can discuss Strike Witches without the fear of being insulted for the reasons you enjoy the series.

While I may seem absent from the site, I am here all the time. While I have been very lenient, I'm also getting tired of the rage-posts I've been seeing in certain topics. Save them for when this place gets 100 posts a day and is actually an active board.

Hell, when this does become an active board I will probably make a section dedicated to image dumps, to keep them out of general which should make both parties happy. But until that time, these threads are to be ei
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>> No. 2321 ID: 85ffa052
4chan attitude much?

I so agree.
>> No. 2328 ID: 06a99a04
File 132870495093.png - ( 65.64KB , 422x147 , Wiki.png [iqdb] )

>The users are what will make this site. But if the users turn this into yet another hive of hatred, then this board will have no future. For now, we have to be more easy going and accepting of things as they are. Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.
>Because if we chase every single poster away, we'll have nobody left to post.

If only other /sw/ related sites would care about crap like this...

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289 No. 289 ID: 43783a8b hide watch quickreply [Reply]

Moedar thread.

Even though we have a whole page dedicated to night witches and their radar abilities, I've always wondered what would cause a witch to be able to manifest their own, like Sanya?

>> No. 291 ID: f2dd025d
Ability given at birth? Or maybe extensive night-training?
>> No. 300 ID: b2be10bd
It's a natural ability that some witches have, much like Barkhorn's inhuman strength.
However it is rather rare and a lot of witches with radars have lots of assistance from the Army and such like, to compensate for what, some witches with a knack for it, may lack.
>> No. 2297 ID: 4d53a8c2
File 132841308660.jpg - ( 958.76KB , 1200x854 , SW Prinzessin7.jpg [iqdb] )
At long last, there's now another drawing of another Nightwitch in their Striker Unit from the official artist.Guess this also counts since she also has "moedar".

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2278 No. 2278 ID: 85a49a77 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 2289 ID: 101ff8e1
Why not ovas or picture dramas of the others squadrons? Example, the 502st JFW Brave Witches are popular like 501.
>> No. 2290 ID: 6dccc785

Isn't that what this is all about?
>that the director of the anime adaptions don't know a shit worth about the other Fighter Wings
when it's clearly not the case could make one think it is...

The 501st, and especially Yoshika, were and still are the face of the franchise, like it or not. Throwing a full cast of completely new characters nobody but a bunch of otaku know into a movie sounds like a rather bad business strategy.

Saying you'd rather take a movie about the shenanigans of the 50xndrdth, a bunch of witches you know next to nothing about and that only *might* be better, than a movie with with the 501st about something you know next to nothing about with a new character you know next to nothing about sounds foolish. For all you know they could cram every single named witch into the final showdown just because they can and to set up a third season about anything but the 501st.

Kadokawa being all like
>The girls that were awesome at the end of that movie? Have a whole show about them.
sounds more viable than
>The girls you watched for 25 episodes? Yeah, they didn't make it into the movie that's called just like their show, sorry about that...
>> No. 2291 ID: 3c5f8da3
File 132826218570.jpg - ( 223.99KB , 960x540 , 1323409616501.jpg [iqdb] )
Well, at least they tried to implement some characters of 504 and Hana (31st) into Season 2, which is a good thing.
I think they will do the same this time, making more cameo shots for the other JFWs. Flying in the background, or walking by maybe?

I myself is a big fan of the 502 JFW and I would really like to see them having a featured show (TV or OVA), but in my opinion now is still not the time.

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1020 No. 1020 ID: 6aaa913a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
First of all, I would like to start off by thanking the admins for their continued support and staying with the site despite the rough launch of the website earlier this year. I really appreciate it, and if it wasn't for their advice in the tumultuous early days of the forum I probably would've given up and blanked the site.

I would also like to thank all of the posters and lurkers on this board for sticking around for all these months despite the various rough patches we've had, such as the downtime and that old 404 error, and the relative slowness of the site in comparison to our origin board. If it wasn't for you guys, the love wouldn't be alive and well here, and this site would just be another monument to failed ambitions. Thanks.

Anyhow, on to business.

While 1000 posts are but a mere drop in the water in comparison to other forums, I believe that for this forum it marks the beginning of a new era, "the era of progress", and the closing of the "era of uncertainty". What this means is that I am now far more confident in the sustainability of the website, and now that the board is in good running condition I have begun laying out the framework for various improvements and additions to the site. The board will largely remain the same, but in the future it will be but one part (albeit, a very important one) of a larger site.

It was frequently suggested in the early days of the site that it be made into a more general Strike Witches fan-site, containing various news updates and basic information and what not. I have come to believe that this idea may be the best option for the future of the site, and I have started making plans for the transition from a board only site, to a larger general purpose site.

Right now I envision the site as having a prominent news section on the main page, where members of the community, such as those that make translations or scrounge twitter for updates and rumors, are able to post news updates for everyone to see. I would also like an option for anyone to submit Strike Witches related news, which upon review by a designated news-poster, will be able to be posted.

There would also be a information section, which would cont
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26 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2281 ID: cb2355cf
File 132817130634.png - ( 613.44KB , 853x480 , 1322789708657.png [iqdb] )
Hey thank you very much.
>> No. 2285 ID: 324177f5
File 132818102292.jpg - ( 1.29MB , 1920x1200 , 16358862.jpg [iqdb] )

Thanks, now I can use my favorite reaction pics *everywhere*!
>> No. 2287 ID: cf5f8ee7

As long as the same image isn't getting posted 5 times a day I don't mind.

File 13244612595.jpg - ( 125.35KB , 540x750 , McDonalds.jpg [iqdb] )
1810 No. 1810 ID: 446296ed hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I need to expand my waifu's folder! So let's have an Erica thread.
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>> No. 2276 ID: d5ee8f98
File 132815541155.png - ( 282.74KB , 1600x1200 , Hartmann Pose.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 2277 ID: d5ee8f98
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>> No. 2283 ID: 431ecda3
File 132818039221.jpg - ( 232.03KB , 1000x722 , 1284956474500.jpg [iqdb] )
I wish she kept the MP-40 as a backup gun or something.

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2218 No. 2218 ID: 273d8b8b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
So Trude really thought that Yoshika, a Fuso (Japanese) girl looked like her little sister Chris, a Karlsland (German) girl.

Is she brain damaged?

5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2236 ID: e3427baa
Everything on this board has contributed in at least some form or another. I'd like to keep it that way.
>> No. 2237 ID: 8322baf1
they not look similar they just are similar people. that sense of being a little sister.
>> No. 2262 ID: 4a0af3d4
File 132808965773.jpg - ( 55.18KB , 600x520 , close enough for government work.jpg [iqdb] )
+1. Trude is always for the younger sisters. (Especially ones with brown hair/eyes.)

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2172 No. 2172 ID: f30fd8b1 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Before you nail me to a barn door, please take a moment to read this!!!

For the past few months now, whenever I've been bored or doing something I don't enjoy, I've been thinking about what to put in a few Fan Fictions I write in my free time. I think about all sorts of things in relation to my story, including things such as the "what ifs" and "why?". What I'm about to detail is just what I've conjured up in my mind, and this is coming from someone who surprisingly hasn't finished the entire series of both Anime and Manga. From what I've read though, despite the in-depth "research" into these creatures by the humans of the Strike Witches Universe, there is still very little to be known about these creatures apart from their structure, armaments, what the core is and how to kill them.

Are we ready folks? If so, then I shall begin.

My theory bore itself to me one day when I was, as usual, thinking of my stories. I had begun to think of a main character who had worked with the Witches of the 501st back when he was seventeen, and had grown into the shoes of a brilliant aeronautics designer who was looking for the long lost Sergeant Bishop, who disappeared some time after the events of Season 2 of the Anime. Anyway, for reasons not yet detailed Minna had returned to him and was on more than friendly terms... so the Main Character began to discuss what his recent projects were with her. I can't recall the exact details, but that's the gist of it...

Gimme a sec... don't know your word limits, will continue.
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>> No. 2180 ID: 8a8e22ca

Well, i think that the Neurois are like the aliens of Independence Day, them are like lobsters, invade planets, destroy all people and consume the natural resources and then leave the planet, the Earth is just the next target.
>> No. 2182 ID: decda3dd
Fanfiction goes in /cr/.
>> No. 2183 ID: 0aaa8703

Relax, guys. There's no need for so much hostility here.

This does belong in /cr/ though, I'll admit.

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