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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

File 163251427338.jpg - ( 1.23 MB , 1800x1400 , 1631407982700.jpg [iqdb] )
15526 No. 15526 ID: 1b49e6c5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Hello everyone!
There seemed to be interest in a Secret Santa Card exchange... so here it is!

Without further ado, here is the form:
Be sure to select > File > Make a Copy > Fill out > Send to me!

Send completed forms to this email: [email protected]

More details and a FAQ will be down below.
99 posts and 63 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15639 ID: 33fb8b87
File 164251175676.jpg - ( 1.71 MB , 2654x3771 , P&E.jpg [iqdb] )
Here's your card. It's now way after Christmas, but I still hope you had a nice holiday.
>> No. 15640 ID: 8a1b5d6a
File 164267254287.jpg - ( 3.91 MB , 5400x2242 , Secret Santa Collage Final Thumbnail.jpg [iqdb] )
Merry (Late) Christmas everyone! Here is the final collage with all the cards. You guys did an amazing job. There was definitely a lot of love and effort put into each card. That said, I really hope that everyone had a fun experience with this event.
Please let me know if there is anything that can be improved upon if you guys would like to do this again in the future.

Full Image Download:
>> No. 15641 ID: c1ce64e6
File 164271980725.jpg - ( 159.91 KB , 1433x2024 , __eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_world_witches_series_an.jpg [iqdb] )
Looks wonderful, thanks again for setting everything up.

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5290 No. 5290 ID: 7f05358b hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Sometimes fans go to far.

So, turns out male witches are possible. Imagine that. =
11 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 5312 ID: 7f05358b
File 135627799580.jpg - ( 42.36KB , 500x475 , 1x07-My-Three-Suns-futurama-12465994-715-536.jpg [iqdb] )
That's no manwitch!
>> No. 15544 ID: 8b8d9c45
cursed thread necrobump
>> No. 15551 ID: 098783b1
I didn't need to be reminded

File 140034147757.jpg - ( 26.83KB , 700x950 , 91ed15762b3e8b36dab87066cfeac72b.jpg [iqdb] )
6953 No. 6953 ID: 61a8f9dd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Lets talk about witchbutts.
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 6959 ID: 61a8f9dd
File 14003789926.jpg - ( 146.21KB , 867x1200 , 33770686.jpg [iqdb] )

shhh~ just let it happen
>> No. 6962 ID: f53fca4d
I mean, the whole question is rather silly since it depends 85% on the particular fan artist's interpretation and drawing style...
>> No. 15545 ID: c56e1adb
File 163870930156.png - ( 1.34 MB , 1366x768 , aerodynamics.png [iqdb] )
surely, there is an ideal and nearly-perfect butt
it is possible to create a definition of a perfect butt. however, it is subjective as to whether or not an artwork satisfies the conditions of depicting the perfect butt. but among us here, we can try to meet a mutual agreement as to which one butt is the best, per-artwork.

I'd think the best butt is probably sort of similar to this? But I think better butts exist.

File 162864493182.jpg - ( 817.57 KB , 4032x1960 , sw.jpg [iqdb] )
15514 No. 15514 ID: 4f2bba84 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I picked these up at an event very recently and I really enjoyed both of them. Very nice surprise as an anime-only to see the familiars play a role in volume 1, and the second volume focusing on the One-Winged Witches was very enjoyable. Is there any recommended reading for Wilma and the rest of the one-wings?
>> No. 15515 ID: c9411e10
Are these the only two you have? If so I guess I'd recommend One-Winged Witched Vol. 1 first. (Those are two different series you have there, in case you didn't realize.)
>> No. 15516 ID: 4f2bba84
>Are these the only two you have?
Yeah, I was caught a little off-guard that there was even Witches merch at the event in the first place, completely outnumbered by more mainstream stuff obviously.

>Those are two different series you have there, in case you didn't realize.
Genuinely thought it was all the same major series since the volumes were next to one another. Thought the subtitles were just an indicator of what setting/character group one volume happened to be in. Was honestly just glad to be the one to snatch them before anyone else.
>> No. 15517 ID: 0b2f0916
I recommend checking this link out. It's a manga compilation of the World Witches series. After you finish those two, I recommend checking out Noble Witches, Contrail of Witches, and Witches in Africa. They're are some of my personal favorites alongside One-Winged Witches.

File 162552899826.jpg - ( 416.61 KB , 2997x1521 , EheedtSUYAEinwp.jpg [iqdb] )
15506 No. 15506 ID: cb160405 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Enjoy some Misfits shenanigans.
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15510 ID: addd5502
Thank you by the way, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
>> No. 15511 ID: 8ccf35a6
Very nice, I can finally hear Goldship's voice again.
Looking forward for the next.
>> No. 15513 ID: 06b36f9b
File 162586900747.png - ( 466.16 KB , 1600x1280 , f2d1501b663a48481b1a58456b45e005.png [iqdb] )
Finally had a chance to listen. Thanks a lot for the audio drama and good job, anon.

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7379 No. 7379 ID: 51c2234c hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Dear admin,

I couldn't find a way to contact you properly, so here goes. I've been here for some time, and I find the site, while functional, lacks a lot of features. For example, auto updating

If possible, I'd like to help improve the site generally. I believe there are some other Anons that have the necessary skills too, so I hope we can somehow work this out together.

172 posts and 31 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9693 ID: 41dd5d65
Update and the fix have been applied. Sidebar toggle is back again.
>> No. 9694 ID: 20489b7b
Awesome, thanks for fixing it.
>> No. 14905 ID: c9146cce
File 157726119367.png - ( 23.99 KB , 630x338 , helma.png [iqdb] )
Hey helmadmin, this is not a big deal, but...
It's almost 2020. Any chance of getting HTTPS?
Throwing the site under free Cloudflare is probably the easiest way of getting it done if your webhost doesn't offer free ssl.

File 161777715968.jpg - ( 298.14 KB , 1208x652 , Stavrosian - Neuroi Advances into Earth.jpg [iqdb] )
15487 No. 15487 ID: d42d33ce hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Started a World Witches fanfic since last year called Kidou Kishi Warviour. For anyone interested, here are the links:
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>> No. 15488 ID: d42d33ce

Also, I got the map from here:
>> No. 15503 ID: e1a37dd4
Been a long time but here's a new chapter:
>> No. 15512 ID: 0f37213a
New chapter:

File 13284322326.jpg - ( 94.87KB , 784x944 , zipyaru-20090528-7-0027.jpg [iqdb] )
2298 No. 2298 ID: 8a131998 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's have a thread for the only witch actually based on a girl.
1522 posts and 1427 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15061 ID: 70603ffd
File 158610986159.png - ( 136.04 KB , 500x720 , rm6a6fgr0yo41.png [iqdb] )
>> No. 15501 ID: daf03bdb
File 162283020466.jpg - ( 1.30 MB , 2767x4096 , __sanya_v_litvyak_world_witches_series_and_1_more_.jpg [iqdb] )
>> No. 15502 ID: daf03bdb
File 162283038582.jpg - ( 349.75 KB , 1500x750 , __sanya_v_litvyak_and_eila_ilmatar_juutilainen_wor.jpg [iqdb] )

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15499 No. 15499 ID: 4e576531 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Good evening everyone

Earlier today I locked down the boards so I could finish restoring the old posts and threads. There was no database dump from (although I have to thank the old dev for reaching out when he heard about this site) so everything had to be extracted from the archive. To be honest, I was a bit intimidated by the idea of building a web scraper, that is probably why I put it off for so long. But in the end everything went smoothly and I'm happy with the outcome.

If you see anything weird, missing or partially missing posts, jumbled text, broken links or anything of that nature let me know in this thread. I don't think anything went wrong, but you never know.
>> No. 15500 ID: 7568528c
good job, but cf email address doesn't work

File 16220975872.png - ( 9.15 KB , 400x400 , oekaki.png [iqdb] )
15491 No. 15491 ID: c9d89181 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I am by no means a good artist, but I wanted to test the oekaki function by drawing Yoshika.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 15494 ID: 05d59d47
File 162234853793.png - ( 281.26 KB , 2000x1300 , Mio Sakamoto v2.png [iqdb] )
Here's another wonky-looking Mio.
>> No. 15495 ID: 499eaf1b
File 162237319174.png - ( 10.48 KB , 500x368 , oekaki.png [iqdb] )
Nice Mios, and yeah, drawing with a mouse can be pretty darn hard. Sadly, that is all I have available...

>I guess this is the artwork thread
For now. The original one will be returning back very, very very! soon (>>/ok/ and >>/int/ already have)
>> No. 15496 ID: 05d59d47
>For now. The original one will be returning back very, very very! soon
Oh, that's cool. I have since gotten an actual tablet and improved a bit. I will have to try to contribute something once it's back.

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