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Blotter updated: 2021-06-06 Show/Hide Show All

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7597 No. 7597 ID: 4f9a91f9 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Eila x Perrine post
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7599 ID: 4f9a91f9
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>> No. 7620 ID: 1e464477
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Poor Sanya.

>> No. 7656 ID: 23227150
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7572 No. 7572 ID: a1b6458e hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Fighter Girl Chronicle, might be Strike Witches related since planes and all.

Can anyone here who can read japanese elaborate what's this is all about? All I can understand is that it seems to be about modern jet fighters turned into girls. Either way, I hope there'd be an anime about this or something.

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7566 No. 7566 ID: 7a16ceec hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Just found a nice little discussion on /a/ and thought that there hasn't really been any reconciliations about their exact nature other than as the designated bad guy.

I don't think there will be a concrete explanation as to their origins, but in the SWverse history, the fates of humanity and Neuroi have always been intertwined. In the setting, any things that would've been fantastical in our world (Other than magic itself of course) is attributed to Neuroi.

Ancient Youkai? Neuroi.
Medieval Dragons? Neuroi
Demons and Monsters? Neuroi.

It seems that Humanity and Neuroi were just destined to be enemies with each other as their conflict has persisted throughout history. If we were to pin a particular motive for Neuroi, then it would be because of the fact that they gain sustenance from devouring land. (Hence the missing landmasses in the SW world; they were casualties from Neuroi conflicts spread throughout history)

It seems that there followed a period of peace in this age old conflict. Due to the relative lack of major destruction alluded to in the setting's recent history and general lack of knowledge of humanity about Neuroi. However, during the onset of the industrial revolution and the dawn of magical technology, as if in response to Humanity's newfound technological knowledge, the Neuroi themselves awoke again and evolved from fantastical creatures to the more mechanized appearances they have today.

The short skirmishes of humanity against the reawakened Neuroi (Then known as the Kaii in the east or Ratsel in the west) later became retroactively known as the 1st Neuroi War. Further smaller Neuroi conflicts also occured in thr next few years. (i.e. the Fuso Sea Incident) Around the late 1930's the Neuroi began an assault out of the Black Sea en masse, causing heavy casualties and losses in the European region. Their emergence from the Black Sea also gave them their current Moniker: Neuroi, in relation to the legendary tribe that allegedly lived in the area in ancient times. This started the 2nd Neuroi war, which is the current setting of the SW series.

Other than Neuroi eat land, we don't really know anything about the Neuroi's ultimate objectiv
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>> No. 7568 ID: b6488025
Our wiki also has a pretty comprehensive article on Neuroi, be sure to check it out. Most of that stuff has been there for the last 5 years.

No. 7494 ID: ac0297a4 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
  Hi, I'm Ikazuchi.

I work at a military store and we sell military patches along with guns.

My boss was thinking of expanding his line of patches to anime themed ones. I know nothing about Strike Witches as I didn't watch it. However, I know a lot about Kancolle and Girls und Panzer. Since I'm the only one in the store who watches anime, the boss instructed me on doing some research. He wants to know if anime themed patches are profitable.

Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'm going to bulk order 640 patches. There will be 40 of each design, so 16 designs in total. I already chose a patch company that has made unlicensed patches in the past. I guess they don't care if they're copyrighted or not.

Second of all, I'm going to use Patch-kun's designs to make the patches. Here's the link: I tried contacting Patch-kun via email as well as Kickstarter, but I doubt he's going to reply back. Worst, I can't find a way to contact /ak/ scanlations (Patch-kun is from there, right?)

Third of all, I'm going to create a patch based on the Kancolle Logo. If anyone can find me a filthy big logo that I can vector the hell out of, that'd be well appreciated.

Fourth of all, I'm also making patches based on the 6 schools in Girls und Panzer.

Finally, all patches will be Vinyl and in 3.5x3.5 inches. Sounds good?

The store I work at is located in Ontario, Canada. So if you're from the US, shipping will probably be $1-3 if you buy from us. I'm also trying to sell the patch for $6 each or lower. I'm currently negotiating on the price with the patch company.

I need a lot of feedback to make this work. I don't need Kickstarter to back me up. And I bet Indiegogo will suspend me if the project ever succeeds.

Please let me know if Patch-kun's designs are off. I'll ask my Graphic Arts friend to do the adjustments.

Thank you.
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7511 ID: 06ae3b50 ← Current thread on 8chan's /a/
>> No. 7521 ID: 2099a4cc

ever since patch kun took my money and ran.

I'll buy all the strike witches patches. Also where in Canada are you. and why is your boss specifically going for the anime market when only you watch anime. seems odd. but hey you'll be selling to niche but open market.
>> No. 7528 ID: ac0297a4
Oh, forgot to post the spreadsheet:

I'm not going to disclose my information so that the copyright holders won't know where I live or where I work if they were to send me a CoD letter. After all, these patches are based on copyrighted work. You know how much of an asshole companies like Funimation are.

Boss is interested in anime because he has friends who sell anime related goods in the city I live in, and is curious how profitable the anime/manga market is. Therefore, he tasked me to do some research first.

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7483 No. 7483 ID: f011d561 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Look so familiar
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>> No. 7491 ID: 90347b8e

it was pretty good. really good actually the battle scenes..
>> No. 7492 ID: eae53efe
There's a thread in /ot/ if you'd like to discuss Kancolle further.
>> No. 7493 ID: 90347b8e

I'm good. Thanks for making the site, admin! :)

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2703 No. 2703 ID: 6bce1081 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Trude & Chris thread
29 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7448 ID: 7165f35e
On Gelbooru, the artist's name appears in red. I prefer to use Danbooru, though. You can access it by clicking the image above the word "Danbooru."
>> No. 7452 ID: 901cf860

thank you good sir!
>> No. 7527 ID: 03d29a11
>bumping 3 year old threads
>reposting images instead of just quoting the posts
>unfamiliar with reverse image search
>unfamiliar with boorus
I guess this is your first week on the internet. Welcome, but lurk more. Also get into Danbooru's prohibited tags and Sadpanda.

Generally speaking, Saucenao is the primary method at identifying anime images via RIS, be it searching original sources for general art or even old anime screenshots. It offers convenient online cropping and links to IQDB/Google RIS when saucenao doesn't cut it. Pixiv will provide you artist information. Or if you're afraid of moonrunes, Danbooru's wiki will.

For boorus, Danbooru for general purposes, for hi-quality scans. Others are mostly poorly-maintained duplicates of danbooru database. e.g. Danbooru database is duplicated by Gelbooru with some junk additions, which is then duplicated by Sankaku Complex with even more random porn. Danbooru has the best community, which leads to best tagging quality, wiki pages and most soft translations available.

For porn manga RIS, commercial or doujinshi, use Exhentai's file search. for general doujinshi information.

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3504 No. 3504 ID: 1191d693 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
but yeah, didnt want to crease the book, so, sorry about that. pretty much everything is usable except one picture of Trude strapped up in this weird striker and aleks and fernie's profile pictures. I might just take pictures of them instead.

.7z incoming because i don't feel like resizing
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>> No. 7430 ID: 0d8f9b07

what book is this if i might ask... is it the official fan book for the movie?
>> No. 7439 ID: 8bc0d0c3
Yea, it is. I have some of the other pages on this thread.
>> No. 7441 ID: 0d8f9b07

thank you very much good sir!

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2318 No. 2318 ID: 3ee9054a hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Suddenly, rockin witches
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>> No. 7432 ID: a0fe8934
Just ignore all the posters on /a/ who come across as rude. Really, that's the easiest thing to do. And the term you're looking for is shitposting.

I think for some people it's a problem when we have a Strike Witches thread with no actual discussion. I don't mind threads every other day. It's nice to come together and talk about the series and the witches a bit.
Lewdposting on the other hand is a different subject, some people, like myself, like it while others don't.

I'm not quite sure what the meaning is but circle-jerking is when some posters praise eachother and continue pointless discussions.
>> No. 7433 ID: 39f3536f
Well hello there, fellow Asian. I am an Asian too, but I pretty much speak English wherever I go. Of course, I get the usual boo for being an Asian who can't speak his own mother tongue. I'm from Malaysia, you?

> why the SW community used an anonymous board and not registered boards with username?
If I could guess, it traces back to the roots from Japanese imageboards, which are anonymous. 4chan was an attempt to bring these imageboards to the English audience. /a/ was made for anime and manga, anonymous imageboards became famous, and here we are.

> thanks. on top of physical illness i have chemical imbalance as well that affects my mental state.
I'm sorry to hear that mate. I wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

> as far as i can see from the 3 or 4 SW thread on /a/.. there's a lot of posters posting negative remarks and unpleasant replies on the thread.
> how do you read through the BS and continue on the nice discussion while some posters replies to you in a rude way?
It's safe to ignore them. I wouldn't call them bad people. Some of them probably have good intentions, but not well expressed.

> circle-jacking or something?
Circle-jerking... is a negative term actually, to define a bunch of males masturbating together. In simple words, most of the threads end up with people discussing lewd stuff about witches, hence the term.
>> No. 7440 ID: 76482890
This site is mostly up to date with information.

To find the artist of a picture, get the url of the picture and search for it on iqdb to find the danbooru. I know that at least on Chrome, there is an extension called "image search options" that makes searching very easy. It also makes it much simpler to use saucenao, which is how you can find the artist's pixiv.

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2238 No. 2238 ID: 9e257bfd hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
I need all your Eila x Yoshika images.
29 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3652 ID: 0f86c1c0
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>> No. 7428 ID: 3e572673
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good sir/madam...

do you or anybody here happens to know where is this screenshot from?

is it from fanart or some book or something?
anybody can point me to the direction where i can get it...

>> No. 7478 ID: 30f41387
IIRC this was the cover of one of the booklets that came with each volume of the BD/DVD release. The art is by Shimada Humikane.

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7011 No. 7011 ID: 344db4a6 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
Just want to get a general number of how many people frequent this board....
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>> No. 7405 ID: 84147701

im new. im the person who posted that im invalid for the past 5.5 years

so ill be here with you admin!

4649 onegaishimasu
>> No. 7407 ID: a4f87256

Always good to have a new face around here!
>> No. 7413 ID: 84147701


im probably going to ask a lot of questions on helma.

idk how many of you are still visiting helma regularly in 2014... but i just watched SW last weekend.

it accompanied me through the night so im glad for it

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